Electrical Expert Witness Services | Expert Witness Service UK
LRM Electrical Expert Witness Mission Statement
The mission of LRM Electrics is to deliver electrical expert witness service that meets the requirements of CPR Part 35 and as such the need of the customer.
Our electrical engineer expert witness are qualified to give their opinions, on matters involving the regulatory and statutory requirements for electrical installations.
We at LRM Electrics are electrical engineering experts who have been delivering electrical services for more than three decades.

Our electrical engineering services includes the provision of expert witness engineers skilled in providing electrical engineer Expert Witness Report that are fully compliant with CPR 35.
We are constantly producing electrical engineering expert witness reports for Barristers, Litigators, Arbitrators, and Lawyers.
As electrical engineer experts we are careful to express in layman’s language issues relating to the regulatory and statutory requirements for the distribution, consumption usage, charge, safety, and storage of electricity within and surrounding buildings.
When taking instructions as the appointed electrical expert witness, we respectfully request clear and precise instructions with all necessary supporting documents from the claimants and/or respondent’s advocate.
As Litigation expert witnesses we prefer to take instructions from Lawyers, Barristers, and Litigators in the preparation of the case which includes writing an Electrical Expert Witness Statement.
If you are a member of the public and do not have a lawyer, we will be very happy to recommend one.

We are aware of our duty as legal expert witnesses. We owe a duty of care to the court to exercise reasonable skill and care in providing electrical expert witness reports and to ensure that our expert witness statements are compliant with CPR 35.
Our construction litigation expert witness statements are independent and unbiased in line with the requirements of CPR 35. All the reports we provide are written by an electrician expert witness with decades of service to become a building expert witness. Our expert witness engineer receives further training by Barristers on how to produce electrical expert witness statements.
Do you not owe it to your client to work with an electrical expert witness who has many decades of experience, who is technically qualified and familiar with the requirements of CPR 35, for that next case involving electricity?
When you need an experienced, expert witness engineer to help you understand or to write that expert statement, call LRM Electrics.
We have worked with clients who seek expert opinions on matters relating to all aspects of electrical engineering, and we have delivered relevant and high-quality results.
Why You Should Hire Us as Your Expert Witness Engineers
LRM Electrics is a highly reputable and experienced company that specializes in providing expert witness services to legal professionals.
Here are some reasons why LRM Electrics is the ideal company to work with when you need an electrical expert witness:
Experience and Expertise
LRM Electrics has a team of highly skilled and experienced electrical engineers who possess extensive knowledge of electrical systems, codes, and regulations. With years of experience as an expert witness for lawyers in the field, we are well-equipped to provide expert witness consulting services and provide credible testimony in court.
Comprehensive Services
LRM Electrics offers a wide range of litigation expert witness services, including investigations, report writing, and deposition and trial testimony. We work closely with legal teams to provide timely and accurate assessments of complex electrical issues.
High-Quality Reports
The team at LRM Electrics prides itself on delivering high-quality reports that are clear, concise, and easy to understand. Our CPR35 compliant electrical expert witness reports are well organized with detailed explanations of technical terms and concepts, ensuring that the information is presented in a manner that is easily digestible for a non-technical audience.
Timely and Professional Service
LRM Electrics understands the importance of deadlines and strives to deliver its services in a timely and professional manner. As such, we request that all required information is sent to us in a timely manner that allows us to meet your envisaged completion date. Our electrical legal expert witness is dedicated to providing professional and CPR35 compliant electrical expert witness statements and reports. We guarantee that our electrical expert witness engineer report is entirely independent and impartial. whilst ensuring that the needs and expectations of those instructing are met promptly and without delay.
Credibility and Objectivity
As a third-party expert, LRM Electrics provides objective and unbiased assessments of the technical issues at hand. Our testimony carries weight in court and can be trusted by judges and juries alike.
What You Should Expect from Our Reports
A clear and concise explanation of technical issues that may be difficult for a non-technical audience to understand.
Reports compliant with CPR35 that are well-organised, thorough, and easy to understand.
Reports produced by an expert witness engineer who is knowledgeable, experienced, and committed to delivering accurate, transparent, unbiased, and reliable reports.
A well-written report that provides a summary of the expert witness’s findings and conclusions, which can be used to inform negotiations, settlement discussions, or other legal proceedings. This can save time and reduce the cost of legal proceedings, as it may eliminate the need for additional depositions or testimony.

Our Service to Lawyers, Barristers and Litigators
Our Methodology
We request clear and precise instructions, with necessary supporting document.
We assist the lawyer in the preparation of the case which includes doing an Electrical Expert Report. If the case goes to court, we assist the court.
Independence of our expert witness
Electrical Expert Witness duty to the court or tribunal
That one party is paying the expert fee, does not mean that the expert needs to give a favourable opinion, to that party or even an unfavourable one.
The requirement is simply that the expert demonstrates the independence of mind and the strength of character to give an unbiased opinion.
Conflict of interest
There is no conflict between the duty owed by an expert to his client and his overriding duty to the court.
His duty to the client is to perform his function as an expert with the reasonable skill and care of an expert drawn from the relevant discipline
Duty of assisting the court
This includes a duty to perform the overriding duty of assisting the court. Thus, the discharge of the duty to the court cannot be a breach of duty to the client.
If the expert gives an independent and unbiased opinion which is within the range of reasonable expert opinions, he will discharge his duty both to the court and to his client.
If, however, he gives an independent unbiased opinion, which is outside the range of reasonable expert opinions, he will not be in breach of his duty to the court, because he would have provided independent and unbiased assistance to the court, but it will be in breach of the duty owed to his client.
Extract from CPR 35 Guidance
Guidance 1.1 Experts must provide opinions that are independent regardless of the pressure of litigation.
A useful test of independence is that the expert would express the same opinion if given the same instructions by another party client.
Our Expertise
Our Expert witness give clear independent opinion evidence on matters regarding the requirement for electrical installations. We do not give advice outside electrical engineering.
You can learn more about the UK registered expert witness here